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Best Nephrologist Treatment


The internal medicine subspecialty of nephrology focuses on treating kidney-related illnesses. Everybody has two kidneys. On either side of our spine, they are situated below our ribs. The kidneys perform a number of essential tasks, such as:

  • Removing extra fluid and waste from the blood
  • Maintaining the electrolyte balance in your body
  • Releasing hormones that have purposes like controlling blood pressure

Tasks that a Nephrologist Do

Ever questioned what a nephrologist does in detail? What duties do nephrologists perform across the board? To put it simply, a nephrologist is a type of medical professional who focuses on treating kidney disorders. Nephrologists are experts in conditions that affect the kidneys specifically, but they are also well-versed in the ways that kidney disease or failure can impact other areas of the body.
A nephrologist may be consulted to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of more severe or complex kidney disorders, even though our primary care physician will seek to prevent and cure early stages of kidney disease.

Conditions a Nephrologist treats

The following conditions can be identified and treated with the assistance of a nephrologist:

  • Urine with blood or protein
  • Long-term kidney disease
  • Despite the fact that a urologist may also treat kidney stones Infected kidneys
  • Interstitial nephritis or glomerulonephritis-related kidney swelling
  • Renal cancer
  • Renal polycystic disease
  • Blood-losing uremic syndrome
  • Stenosis of the renal artery
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Renal disease that is advanced
  • Acute and chronic kidney failure

When additional factors such as: result in kidney disease or dysfunction, a nephrologist may also be engaged.

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart condition
  • Autoimmune diseases like lupus
  • Medications

Tests that a Nephrologist recommends

When you see a nephrologist, they might conduct a number of tests and procedures or interpret the outcomes.

Laboratory Tests

Your kidneys' functionality can be evaluated using a wide variety of tests. Typically, a blood or urine sample is used for these tests. Blood Tests: The following blood tests are typically performed by a nephrologist to identify and evaluate the patient's issues:

  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): This examination gauges the efficiency with which your kidneys filter blood. When a kidney disease develops, GFR starts to go below normal values.
  • Serum creatinine: A waste substance, serum creatinine is more prevalent in the blood of individuals with kidney disease.
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): Similar to creatinine, high levels of this waste product in the blood are a symptom of renal disease.

Urine tests: The included tests are listed below:

  • Urinalysis: The pH of this urine sample as well as the presence of excessive levels of blood, glucose, protein, or bacteria can all be determined using a dipstick.
  • Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR): The level of the protein albumin in your urine is determined by this urine test. The presence of albumin in the urine indicates renal disease.
  • 24-hour urine collection: With this technique, all of the pee you produce over the course of a day is collected in a particular container. This sample can be subjected to further testing.
  • Creatinine clearance: This is a measurement of creatinine that is taken from both a blood sample and a 24-hour urine sample to determine how much creatinine has migrated from the blood to the urine.

How Nephrology is different than Urology?

Because both nephrology and urology can affect the kidneys, they have some overlap. An urologist focuses on ailments that can impact the male and female urinary tract, while a nephrologist concentrates on ailments that more directly affect the kidney.

Along with the kidneys, the urinary system also consists of the ureters, bladder, and urethra. The penis, testes, and prostate are among the male reproductive organs that urologists also deal with.

When to see a nephrologist

The early stages of renal disease can be prevented and treated by our primary care physician. However, occasionally these initial stages may be symptom-free or present with vague symptoms including exhaustion, trouble sleeping, and changes in urination frequency. If we are at risk for kidney disease, regular testing can keep track of how well our kidneys are functioning. People in these groupings include those who:

  • Blood pressure problems
  • Diabetes
  • Heart condition
  • A history of renal issues in the family


Your primary care physician should be able to send you to a nephrologist if you need to visit one. In rare circumstances, your insurance provider could need a recommendation from your primary care physician before allowing you to see a specialist. Ask your insurance provider for a list of nearby specialists who are part of your insurance network if you decide not to receive a referral from your primary care physician.

A sort of physician known as a nephrologist focuses on illnesses and ailments that affect the kidneys. Such ailments as chronic renal disease, kidney infections, and kidney failure are all treated by them. If you have a complicated or severe kidney condition that necessitates specialised care, your primary care physician may probably recommend that you see a nephrologist. It's crucial to keep in mind that if you have particular worries regarding kidney issues, you should talk to your doctor and, if required, get a referral.

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