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Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder in which a cluster of cysts grows in kidneys which is filled with water. Usually PKD’s are non-cancerous sacs but can grow much bigger and change the shape of kidney. We can also say that PKD is a form ofchronic kidney disease that reduces kidney function and may lead to kidney failure.  Other complications caused by polycystic kidney disorder are high blood pressure, blood vessel problems in brain and heart, cysts in liver etc.

Mainly there are three types of polycystic kidney disease. They are

  • Autosomal dominant PKD (ADPKD): The type Polycystic Kidney disease which usually diagnosed in adulthood. Its signs and symptoms are generally appear between ages of 30 to 40. As it is an inherited disorder only one of the both parents can transfer its symptoms to their child.
  • Autosomal recessive PKD (ARPKD): In this type of Polycystic Kidney disease which can be diagnose either in the mother’s womb or shortly after birth. The signs and symptoms shown shortly after birth
  • Acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD): This particular type of PKD isn’t inherited but occur later in life.

Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney disease

  • Back or side Pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Urinary tracts and kidney infections
  • Blood in Urine
  • Kidney Stones
  • Increment in size of abdomen due to bloated kidney
  • Kidney Failure
  • A felling of plumpness inside the abdomen
  • Fluttering or Pounding inside the chest
  • Repeated Bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • Nail abnormalities
  • Fatigue

What are the causes of PKD?

Polycystic kidney disease is normally inherited. If any single parent can affected by it can transfer it to their child. Mostly parents pass disorder to their children.Less commonly, it develop in some of the people having other serious kidney problem.

PKD diagnosis and Treatment Process


These are the most reliable, reasonable and non-invasive way for the diagnosis of PKD. Here are some methods which help you to diagnose Polycystic Kidney disease:

  • Ultrasound: During an ultrasound, transducer is placed on the abdomen of your body. It emits sound waves that reflected back towards the transducer. Finally computer receive that reflected sound waves and turned it into images.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI): If the cysts are not detected normally by ultrasound, then an urologist suggest patients for CT scan or MRI. They may detect smaller cysts that cannot be found in ultrasound. MRI (magnetic resonance imagining) is used to measure and monitor volume and the growth of cysts and kidney.
  • CT scan: With the help of computed tomography(CT) scan doctors can see cross sectional images of kidney. This helps in detection oftiniest cysts in the kidney.


Unfortunately, at present there is no cure for PKD. Researchers haven’t found any way to prevent PKD yet. However, one can be able to slow down the PKD problems caused by hypertension, such as kidney damage. To slower down the growth ofcysts a patient must avoid caffeine in beverages and also drink a lot of plain water throughout the day.

Meanwhile several supportive treatments performed to control down the symptoms, which helps in slow growth of cysts, and also helps in prevention of loss of kidney function in Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. These includes:

  • Careful control of blood pressure
  • Avoid caffeine in beverages
  • Drinking maximum amount of water in a whole day
  • Adapting a healthy lifestyle,
  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight control
  • Reduce salt from diet.
  • Prompt treatments of kidney infection and bladder with antibiotics
  • Blood pressure management
  • Dialysis
  • Breathing support
  • Kidney transplant
  • Growth therapy
  • Pain management

By preventing some elements from life cycle may help you to get relief from it.

  • Quit Smoking: If you are a smoker then you must cut it from your diet.
  • Low salt: Start in taking lower amount of salt which will reduce the blood pressure so as PKD.
  • Minimum 30 minutes of workout or yoga session: This will help you on manage your polycystic kidney disease.
  • Limit Alcohol: Reduce the intake of alcohol that will help you to control PKD.

Does PKD affect pregnancy?

A lot of women with PKD have successful pregnancies but nevertheless some women having such problem have increased risk and led to serious complications. The complications mat affect both baby and the women. Which also means that a women suffering from PKD may faces problem of High Blood Pressure and Decrease in Kidney function.

Those women who are suffering from PKD and having high blood pressure develop the problem of pre-eclampsia (or toxemia). This is basically a life threatening disorder for both the baby and the mom. If you are facing any such problem an urologist may advice you what to do so that the baby and mom both be safe.

Satyadev Super Specialist Hospital is an impeccable place under which a great team of experienced urologists worked together for the welfare of their patient. They provide the best of services to the patient and help them to adapt healthy lifestyle. Dr. Rajesh Ranjan is one of the experienced urologist in Patna who is highly skilled and qualified enough to help you in reducing the causes of polycystic kidney disease. He also provides ample care to the patient suffering from it and delivers several supportive treatment for preventing polycystic kidney disease.

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